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Confirmation of an exoplanet using the transit color signature: Kepler-418b, a blended giant planet in a multiplanet system

机译:使用过境颜色签名确认系外行星:   开普勒-418b,多平台系统中的混合巨行星



We announce confirmation of Kepler-418b, one of two proposed planets in thissystem. This is the first confirmation of an exoplanet based primarily on thetransit color signature technique. We used the Kepler public data archivecombined with multicolor photometry from the Gran Telescopio de Canarias andradial velocity follow-up using FIES at the Nordic Optical Telescope forconfirmation. We report a confident detection of a transit color signature thatcan only be explained by a compact occulting body, entirely ruling out acontaminating eclipsing binary, a hierarchical triple, or a grazing eclipsingbinary. Those findings are corroborated by our radial velocity measurements,which put an upper limit of ~1 Mjup on the mass of Kepler-418b. We also reportthat the host star is significantly blended, confirming the ~10% lightcontamination suspected from the crowding metric in the Kepler light curvemeasured by the Kepler team. We report detection of an unresolved light sourcethat contributes an additional ~40% to the target star, which would not havebeen detected without multicolor photometric analysis. The resultingplanet-star radius ratio is 0.110 +/- 0.0025, more than 25% more than the 0.087measured by Kepler, leading to a radius of 1.20 +/- 0.16 Rjup instead of the0.94 Rjup measured by the Kepler team. This is the first confirmation of anexoplanet candidate based primarily on the transit color signature,demonstrating that this technique is viable from ground for giant planets. Itis particularly useful for planets with long periods such as Kepler-418b, whichtend to have long transit durations. Additionally, multicolor photometricanalysis of transits can reveal unknown stellar neighbors and binary companionsthat do not affect the classification of the transiting object but can have avery significant effect on the perceived planetary radius.
机译:我们宣布确认开普勒418b(该系统中的两个拟议行星之一)。这是主要基于过渡色特征技术对系外行星的首次确认。我们将开普勒公共数据档案库与加那利群岛大望远镜的多色光度法结合使用,并通过北欧光学望远镜的FIES对径向速度进行了确认。我们报告说,只有通过紧凑的掩盖机构才能可靠地检测到过渡色签名,完全排除了污染的食双星,等级三重星或掠食双食。我们的径向速度测量结果证实了这些发现,该测量结果将开普勒418b的质量上限设为〜1 Mjup。我们还报告说,主恒星已充分融合,从而证实了由开普勒团队测量的开普勒光曲线中的拥挤指标所怀疑的〜10%的光污染。我们报告检测到一个未解析的光源,该光源为目标恒星贡献了额外的〜40%,如果不进行多色光度分析,则无法检测到。产生的行星星半径比为0.110 +/- 0.0025,比开普勒测量的0.087多25%,从而导致半径为1.20 +/- 0.16 Rjup,而不是开普勒团队测量的0.94 Rjup。这是主要基于过境颜色特征的对系外行星候选者的首次确认,表明该技术对于大行星而言是可行的。它对于诸如Kepler-418b之类的周期较长的行星特别有用,它们通常具有较长的传播时间。此外,对过境进行多色光度分析可以发现未知的恒星邻居和二元伴星,它们不会影响过境物体的分类,但会对感知到的行星半径产生重大影响。



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